From handwriting to footprinting
Free download of Anne Baillot’s book – or purchase a printed version from this page at Open Book Publishers
How are pencils made?
This webpage from the Smithsonian Magazine tells you how…
Wahl Eversharp Skyline
Much has been written about the history of the Skyline, so I won’t repeat it here. Please see Richard Binder’s page if you’d like a history lesson. This pen is...
Pilot Custom comparison
I’ve been debating whether to get a Pilot Custom 743 with the FA nib, preparing to swap the business end to a Pilot Custom 823 in the future. However, there...
The Pleasures of Restoring Fountain Pens
A nice blog posting on the joys of restoring pens as a hobby. Although the short comment about fixing a Parker 180 with glue and electrical tape made my toes...
Jinhao X750 modifications
Note: This was originally posted in 2016 on my other site. I just migrated it to this site today. This weekend’s project was slightly different. I’ve been trying to teach...