Romance of Pen Industries
This book is interesting to read, partly because it is a window into the extreme colonial views of the British towards India in the early 1900s (the preface alone makes...
Parker Duofold
This book by David Shepherd and Dan Zazove is a must-read/have for anyone researching the history of the Duofold series of pens. You can borrow the book for a period...
Rosendahl’s “dipless” pen
This is an integrated dip pen and inkwell made by Rosendahls with a porcelain base made by Rörstrand in Sweden. The one thing missing in this set is the feeder...
Papers and Inks
This is just a test I did of 6 different inks on 6 different papers. The shots below are taken with a USB microscope, looking at the top left of...
Oblique dip pen holder
I’m currently taking an online course in Copperplate calligraphy with Chantelle Hoffmann at Bespoke Strokes. One problem that I had was in finding an oblique dip pen holder here in...