The Epworth
This pen, made in purpleheart wood with a mammoth tusk roll stop, is the first that I’ve made this year (despite the fact that it’s already June…). The design is based on a prototype made in 2017, with some design changes. The body of this pen is significantly longer (about 10 mm) than the prototype, with some changes to the internal structure of the barrel. This is due to the fact that the prototype proved to be too fragile (the walls of the barrel were less than 1 mm thick in some places).
This pen is postable, however, it is not recommended, since it makes the pen quite back-heavy and unbalanced. This is the other reason I changed the design of the pen, making the barrel longer and therefore more comfortable when writing without a posted cap.

This pen is pictured with a two-toned flex nib from Fountain Pen Revolution, which does not currently have a vent hole, although I may change this, since I’m using a standard feeder that has trouble delivering enough ink when writing at a higher speed and pushing the nib to full flex. One possible solution to this problem could be to get more air up into the pen – so I’ll try that first to see whether it helps.
Total weight: 24.0 g
Body weight 15.7 g
Total length (not posted): 140.4 mm
Total length(with cap): 155.8 mm
Barrel max diameter: 14.1 mm
Cap max diameter: 15.3 mm