Oblique dip pen holder
I’m currently taking an online course in Copperplate calligraphy with Chantelle Hoffmann at Bespoke Strokes. One problem that I had was in finding an oblique dip pen holder here in Europe (without resorting to ordering from Amazon; I avoid them as much as possible because they already have enough money).
So, although I found one place in the Netherlands that sells them, I wasn’t terribly impressed with it when it arrived. And, after looking online, I became intrigued by the “moulded” looking ones. So, after a couple of failed prototypes, I finally made one that I’m reasonably happy with (for now…).

The handle is made from recycled mahogany that was once a chair leg. The nib holder and set screw are brass, with an M4x0.7 thread. The nib shown here is a Nikko G Titanium, which I’m liking more and more as I get used to it.